Friday, October 14, 2011

After Laser Hair Removal, Tips!

Recovery after laser hair removal can be aided if the patient takes care and uses the professionally recommended skin care products after the procedure. This step is important to help your skin stay healthy through out. What's more, using such treatments can greatly reduce the risk of complications or pain during and after hair removal. The skin in that area will sting immediately after the procedure.
It may look swollen and be discoloured. After a few hours, the skin will begin to heal and go back to its normal look and feel. If this healing process is taking longer, the patient should relax, and not take on stressful and demanding activities. If you are feeling a lot of discomfort immediately after laser hair removal, try to ease the pain with a soft cold pack, and take pleasure knowing that this pain should soon leave your body.
Another important thing to note after laser hair removal is that there are many moisturisers available for patients. You should take the advice of a fully qualified doctor or surgeon, and use the medication they recommend or prescribe. Take care to use it in the proper amounts and schedule, and try not to deviate from this. Sticking to these guides will help optimise your results and help your skin. For the first few days post hair removal, you should avoid irritating the treated area. This includes shaving, waxing, plucking and bleaching. Keep the area clean to avoid infections. Also make sure you expose the area to a healthy amount of sunlight, as the sun provides essential vitamins for our skin, but take care not to get sun burnt.

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